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    Rabu, 15 Maret 2017

    Basic Steps Scale Preparation Of Psychology

     Steps Scale Basis of Psychology. Here is a brief description of the basic steps in the design and preparation of the psychological scale. Such steps will give an idea about the psychological scale for policy common procedure which is certainly notcellsalucan be followed strictly due to formatting and scaling properties of each model is not necessarily the same measuring instrument and therefore demand flexibility in implementation.
    Preliminary work began designing a psychological scale measuring the purpose of identification, ie selecting a definition and identify the underlying theory of psychological construct the attributes to be measured.Then do the restriction region (domain) measured as a construct that is defined by the theory in question. These restrictions should be clarified by describing the components or dimensions that exist in the said attributes. By recognizing the limitations of measuring and the clear dimension then the scale will measure in a comprehensive and relevant, which in turn will support the content validity of the scale.
    Components or dimensions of theoretical attributes that have been clearly defined, it is not uncommon still need to be operationalized into a form more concrete so that the item will understand the true author of the response form that must be disclosed on the subject. This operationalization formulated into a form of behavioral indicators (behavioral indicators).

    Before writing the item starts, the designer needs to specify the form or scale of the stimulus format to be used. The format of this stimulus is closely related to the method penskalaannya. In the chapter on scaling and scoring described several ways scaling normally used in the preparation of psychological scale. Different from the development of tests in the selection of cognitive abilities aitemnya format requires considerations regarding the state of the respondents, materials testing and measurement purposes, the determination of the consideration psychological scale format is not too related to the circumstances of the respondent as well as the intended use of the scale. Usually election scale format may depend more on the advantages of theoretical and practical benefits in question format.Writing item can be done if the components have a clear identification of attributes or if behavioral indicators have been formulated correctly. Usually the components attributes and behavioral indicators presented as part of a blue-print scale. In addition to providing an overview of the content and dimensions of the measuring area, blue-print will be the reference in item writing. Writing own item must also always pay attention to the rules of writing that has been determined. In the early stages of writing the item, generally made item that number is far more than the number specified by blue-print.its  Say to about three times the amount that will be used in final form scale. This meant that the later compilers of scale do not run due ggurnya item item-item that does not meet the requirements. According to experience, for writers aitem not yet at the stage of a high caliber, the mortality rate is very big item. Only a small part aitem written by authors who have not been trained who will survive the selection process psychometric.'Review (review) was first performed by the author himself item, by always re-check every item that you have just written whether in accordance with the behavioral indicators to be revealed and what is also not out of the item writing guidelines. If all the item has been written, the Review made by some people who are competent. The necessary competence (in this case) includes mastery scale construction issues and problems attributes measured. Besides mastery of written language standard is needed. All item that is not expected in accordance with the specifications blue-print or not in accordance with the rules of writing should be corrected or rewritten. Only item-item that is believed to function properly may be passed to attend field trials.Set item that has passed through the Review process and qualitative analysis then tested. The purpose of this trial is to determine whether the first sentence in item easy and understandable by respondents as desired by the author aitem. The reactions of the respondents in the form of a question about the words or phrases used in the item is less communicative sign sentences are written and it needed repairs. The second purpose, trials be one practical way to obtain data from respondents' answers will be used for scaling.

    Item analysis is the process of testing the parameters aiem to determine whether the item meets the psychometric requirements to be included as part of the scale. Parameters item that is not tested at different power or discrimination itempower,ie the ability to distinguish between the subject item that has the attribute being measured and which are not. Sharper, different power-item-item showed the ability to differentiate individuals into different levels of qualitative attributes measured by quantitative score. In a more complete analysis item performed also analyzes the validity index and reliability index item.
    The results of the analysis item becomes the basis for item selection. Item-item that does not meet the requirements of the psychometric be removed or repaired first before it can become part of the scale. Conversely, item-item that meets the requirements were not in itself included into the scale. The compilation process will determine which of the item that is finally chosen. In addition to caring aitem parameter, kompilai scale must also consider the proportionality of Part-scale components as described by blue-print.its.
    Reliability testing performed on a scale of item-item collection selected number matched with the number that has been specified by the blueprint. If the reliability coefficient of scale was not yet satisfactory, then the compiler can scale back to the compilation step and reassemble scale with more priority item-item that has a height difference even need a little change in the proportion of each component item or part scale. Set item that has a high discrimination power will be able to increase the coefficient of reliability scale. The other path that can be taken is to increase the number of item in each component proportionally, if necessary with slightly lower item selection criteria. This is done especially when the item number will increase reliability coefficient of scale.

    The validation process is essentially a continuous process. On the scales to be used on a limited basis in general do sdangkan criteria of validity based on a scale that is intended for widespread use typically required process of factor analysis and cross validation (cross validation).
    The format of the final scale must be assembled in an attractive display but still makes it easy for respondents to read and answer. In final form, the scale is equipped with a manual workmanship and possibly a separate answer sheet. The paper size that is used needs to be adjusted to the length scale so as not to seem very thick beam scale that caused prospective respondent loss of motivation, while the font size selection should also consider the age of the respondent not to wear the letters are too small so that the respondents somewhat elderly difficulty reading. 

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